Vapor Systems Technologies, Inc. began in 1989 with the vision of One Company -- One Integrated Solution. Today, that philosophy is still in place and getting stronger. Recognizing that a healthier environment is a need and not an option, VST has dedicated its undivided attention to the ever changing, stringent regulations that govern fugitive vapors at retail gasoline dispensing facilities (GDF). To this challenge, VST is committed to a continual R & D campaign of developing the most current, technologically advanced solutions to service not only the United States, but also the world.
VST specializes in the development, engineering, and manufacturing of
products that are sold into the GDF segment of the petroleum industry.
The VST focus provides our customers and users with exceptional
products, services, and innovative solutions for improving the fueling
station experience as well as the world’s air and water quality.
VST's product offering includes; curb pump and vapor recovery hoses, safety breakaways, nozzles, and emission control system processors. The ENVIRO-LOC vapor recovery product offering represents the most innovative concept in the industry for trapping fugitive vapors from the front end (vehicle refueling) to the back end (vent stacks) of a GDF site.